India’s Workforce
India’s Workforce
A need of the hour, Humane Warriors collaborated with several NGOs across New Delhi, Hyderabad and Kochi, working tirelessly to provide oxygen concentrators and cylinders to support senior citizens and underprivileged communities. A dedicated team critically evaluated all the possible suppliers throughout the globe (including India) to find supplies of concentrators that match the standard specifications for oxygen therapy, by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Around 90% of India’s workforce (around 400 million) is employed in the informal sector, according to the International Labour Organization. These people work in the roles of street food vendors, security guards, garbage collectors, domestic help, etc. Daily wages lie between 300 to 400 rupees (around 3.8 – 5.0 CHF) and this is only sufficient for a day’s need, and thus every workday counts. During India’s COVID-19 lockdown, most of the informal workforce lost their daily work and income. Assessing the situation in India, oxygen supply was in high demand and extremely expensive.
Over the years, Humane Warriors has cultivated powerful partnerships with social workers and non-profit organizations throughout India, particularly during our “Help India Breathe” and similar relief efforts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Oxygen relief was a top priority and due to this, Humane Warriors have decided to allocate significant effort and resources to aid this cause.
Humane Warriors harnesses the power of its vast network of volunteers, affectionately known as “warriors,” primarily consisting of members of the Indian diaspora residing throughout Europe. Through partnerships with Thanal Palliative and Paraplegic Care Society – Kochi, YuvathaNGO – Hyderabad and One Step Many Smiles – Humane Warriors expanded upon its vast network of relationships to procure oxygen concentrators & cylinders following the specification set for oxygen therapy by the World Health Organization (WHO). It resulted in extended access to the underprivileged to oxygen in the century’s worst pandemic.
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We maintain extensive documentation on our social media, website and campaign platform that cover photographic and video graphic evidence. This includes procurement, packaging and distribution at every location. We also provide publicly accessible links to our partners on our transparency reports and promise our donors a financial report at the end of the campaign to show the exact allocation of funds. We have established our credibility well with 52 campaigns, 2 fundraisers and many recurring donors.
Two-thirds of all funds raised were directed towards oxygen relief and the remaining one-third towards supplying food packets.
We have long standing collaborations with our previous campaign partners, some of whom we also partner with on education projects. They are our on ground team and in many instances are checking their local health care centers to assess the oxygen needs. We also partner with well established organizations like Thanal Palliative and Paraplegic Care Society – Kochi, YuvathaNGO – Hyderabad and One Step Many Smiles which have operations across India to reach vulnerable communities in Kochi, Hyderabad and Delhi.
© Humane Warriors 2023